Archive for the 'Gemeente' Category

Rubbish report June 29—July 1

Okay, I haven’t been this angry in a long long time. Lots of photos this time. Starts off “normally” on Wednesday with bags of rubbish illegally dumped, a dead couch, cardboard boxes (photo [1]). By Wednesday evening the couch had been picked up, plus most of the bags of rubbish (thank you). Unfortunately now a […]

Rubbish Report June 26—28

About 10 bags of illegal rubbish have gathered by early Sunday evening (photos [1] and [2]). By Monday morning they have been joined by another 10-20 bags [3]. During the day the pile grows bigger and bigger, until by the evening the pile is as high as the garbage bin, extends 2.5 metres into the […]

Rubbish Report June 20—21

This series of photos shows how rubbish-free the Warmoesstraat is on a rubbish morning. Why’s that? Because everyone dumps their rubbish in the OZ Armsteeg. PUT YOUR OWN RUBBISH IN FRONT OF YOUR OWN FRONT DOOR!

Rubbish Report June 14—17

Tuesday afternoon (photo [1]) the first illegal rubbish appears. By Wednesday morning it has been joined by several more bags ([2]). By Thursday evening there are about 15-20 bags of rubbish, many many cardboard boxes and one dismantled household item, possibly a fridge [3]. By Friday morning the rubbish mountain extends 2 metres into the […]

Rubbish Report June 10—14

Sent to the gemeente June 15, 2011 Friday morning June 10 at 11:16 (photo [1]) the first illegal rubbish appears. Which is added to later in the afternoon ([2]). But I’m pleased to say that during the whole weekend most of the zwerfvuil that gathered on the corner was picked up during the weekend. Thank […]

Rubbish Report June 7—9

Sent to the gemeente June 10, 2011 Tuesday morning June 7 at 8:30 (photo [1]) the corner is rubbish-free. But, unfortunately not fietswrakken-free. First photo taken just after the rubbish has been picked up (poor guys were busy for at least 15 minutes clearing the corner of everybody else’s rubbish). By 13:42 the same day […]

Rubbish Report June 4—6

Sent to the gemeente June 6, 2011 The rubbish that was left at the corner of the Warmoesstraat and the OZ Armsteeg on Friday was picked up by late Friday. Thank you. Unfortunately the clean corner did not last long. It never does. Starting on Saturday June 4, a cardboard box and about 10-12 bags […]

Forgot to mention…

Back at the end of October I sent out a letter announcing our blog to various official institutions: the Mayor of Amsterdam; the police station on the Beurstraat; the Gebiedsbeheerder, the Dagelijksbestuur, and the Straatmanager of the Stadsdeel Centrum Amsterdam; Stadsherstel Amsterdam; NV Stadsgoed; the local newspaper, d’Oude Binnenstad; Buurt Information Centrum, Zeedijk; and for […]


Okay, sorry, I’ve been a bit slack about writing. Here’s a quick update of stuff: The abandoned bikes were finally picked up about 2 weeks ago. I think it only took about 3 months to get rid of them. I’ve reported the graffiti that appeared on the wall of Aneke Rasa on the weekend. Apparently […]

Oh, dus dit is de praktijk

Gisternacht was een van die momenten dat er een aap uit de mouw viel. We kwamen rond 1 uur thuis van een feest. In de Warmoesstraat was het nu al gewone, sinds het rookverbod, zaterdagavond openlucht feest gaande. Hierbij liep het Hotel Old Quarter toch echt uit de spuigaten. Met beide dubbele deuren open en […]