Archive for the 'Filosofie' Category

Please explain the logic of this to me

Cafes/restaurants/hotels in the region Warmoesstraat 1—40 do not, in general have a terrasvergunning. This is a Good Thing, because otherwise we are swamped with noise Cafes (etc) receive a license to serve alcohol, and produce noise. But only within their own physical walls Because of this (insane, nannying) rookverbod, now the clientele of cafes, which […]

When does a non-terrace become a terrace?

Two o’clock in the morning. I’ve just rang the police to complain about my good “friendly” neighbour Pinockio, more accurately to complain about his drunken clients who are hanging around in the Warmoesstraat in front of his cafe. Laughing loudly, carrying on, and being generally disagreeable. This is 2.00 on a Tuesday morning. One might […]

Who would want to live here?

Actually I do. I do love living right in the middle of this Disney-Wonderland city. Having just spent a few days in London I have been reminded of what I love about Amsterdam. London is fun, exciting, and exhausting. Amsterdam is fun; I’ve never thought of it as being exhausting; but it isn’t exciting. It’s […]