Archive for the 'Rookverbod' Category

Old Quarter. Your horrible loud live music is very irritating.

Hotel Old Quarter, I have tolerated your jazz music on Monday evenings for many years, mostly because I happen to like jazz. But I heartily dislike your live rock music during the rest of the week. I don’t really care what sort of music you play inside your cafe/restaurant/hotel. But I do object to having […]

Your music is too loud

There is someone, right now, at 2.01 on a Sunday morning playing very loud music. It’s a live band. I assume it’s Hotel Old Quarter, having witnessed a loud live band there last Saturday. Listen I don’t give a damn if you want to make crappy music, but it REALLY BUGS me when I can […]

Oh, dus dit is de praktijk

Gisternacht was een van die momenten dat er een aap uit de mouw viel. We kwamen rond 1 uur thuis van een feest. In de Warmoesstraat was het nu al gewone, sinds het rookverbod, zaterdagavond openlucht feest gaande. Hierbij liep het Hotel Old Quarter toch echt uit de spuigaten. Met beide dubbele deuren open en […]

Most popular search terms in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see the search terms that lead to someone clicking through to this blog. (I have removed searches on people’s names).

Most popular posts in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see which posts have had the most views in the last 30 days.

Blog stats—Woo hoo! 72 views in one day

Ha! We are becoming more popular. Yesterday there were our blog was viewed 72 times. I think I am starting to understand the stats now. It doesn’t show the number of visitors, but the number of times that the different pages of the blog were viewed.

Blog stats — who visits our blog?

The other night I decided to have a good look at the statistics provided by WordPress, the blog software that we are using. It’s really interesting! It not only shows the number of hits that our blog has received since its inception, but also how people find our blog. Here are some of the things […]

Please explain the logic of this to me

Cafes/restaurants/hotels in the region Warmoesstraat 1—40 do not, in general have a terrasvergunning. This is a Good Thing, because otherwise we are swamped with noise Cafes (etc) receive a license to serve alcohol, and produce noise. But only within their own physical walls Because of this (insane, nannying) rookverbod, now the clientele of cafes, which […]


After several hours of constant loud noise generated by the clients of the Backstage Cafe, frustration was mounting and my blood pressure was sky-rocketing. I felt reluctant to ring the police, because they are basically good neighbours, but felt the need to do something, so I decided to record the noise level. I trotted downstairs, […]

Why don’t you just move your cafe into my loungeroom?

Since early this afternoon the noise level in the OZ Armsteeg has been such that I feel like I actually live in a pub. For the second time in as many weeks the customers of the Backstage Cafe, which does not have a terrasvergunning, have not actually been inside the cafe, but have been entertaining […]