Archive for the 'Reinigingspolitie' Category

Rubbish report July 15—July 19

On Friday afternoon there are about 10 bags of rubbish to start the weekend. Plus a box with one or more restaurant-sized egg cartons (photos [1] and [2]). By the end of the weekend there are about 20-25 bags of rubbish [3]. Unfortunately none of the bags of rubbish were taken away during the weekend. […]

Most popular search terms in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see the search terms that lead to someone clicking through to this blog. (I have removed searches on people’s names).

Most popular posts in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see which posts have had the most views in the last 30 days.

Street Corner History: why are we blogging?

Sometimes, though not often, someone is interested enough to hear me grumbling about our rubbish problems. And when I listen to myself I am amazed that I am so knowledgeable about both the rubbish disposal regulations in Amsterdam, and the rubbish habits of my neighbours. I have been thinking about this recently and realised that […]

Blog stats—Woo hoo! 72 views in one day

Ha! We are becoming more popular. Yesterday there were our blog was viewed 72 times. I think I am starting to understand the stats now. It doesn’t show the number of visitors, but the number of times that the different pages of the blog were viewed.

Black and white — The Black List

The White List Congratulations! to the winners on this list! You are a horecabedrijf that either places your rubbish in front of your own door (thank you!); or you have both rubbish and glass containers, in other words you pay to have your rubbish and glass picked up (good move!). The Kabab House Coffeshop 36 […]


Some idiot parked their van half way across the alley this morning. Combined with the normal Tuesday (mumble grumble) rubbish mountain it was extremely difficult to escape from the alley this morning. The first photo shows the view from the alley (click on any photo to see an enlargement): This is the view from the […]

Blog stats — who visits our blog?

The other night I decided to have a good look at the statistics provided by WordPress, the blog software that we are using. It’s really interesting! It not only shows the number of hits that our blog has received since its inception, but also how people find our blog. Here are some of the things […]

I don’t have a problem with your residential rubbish

There has been a bit of interest in my post about our “Put your own rubbish in front of your own front door” campaign. I really don’t want to start a War of the Alleys, although I am happy that we are having some sort of dialogue with the Guldehandsteeg, even if it’s a bit […]

While I have your attention…

PLEASE PLACE YOUR OWN RUBBISH IN FRONT OF YOUR OWN FRONT DOOR. I’m gratified by the interest in our blog. There has been a noticeable increase in visits here in the last week. I realise that many of you will probably tune in for a short while and then lose interest. So, while I have […]