Archive for November, 2007

A year’s worth of rubbish

Well, just in case you think we are exaggerating about the rubbish, here is a link to a series of photos which document the rise and fall of the rubbish mountain each week since December 2006. This link is also available in the sidebar at the right as “Rubbish photos”, under Pages.


zoals iedereen er helemaal mee eens dat iedereen zijn eigen rommel moet opruimen en op zijn minst het fatsoen kan opbrengen om “grof vuil” zelf te bellen

Gebiedsbeheerder op bezoek

Marjan Brom, the gebiedsbeheerder, was here today. It was slightly confusing as she thought she had an appointment with Herman, but she forgot to tell him about it. I happened to be at home and had a chat with her instead. I was not particularly well prepared, and may have forgotten a few things. I […]