Archive for October, 2008

Oh, dus dit is de praktijk

Gisternacht was een van die momenten dat er een aap uit de mouw viel. We kwamen rond 1 uur thuis van een feest. In de Warmoesstraat was het nu al gewone, sinds het rookverbod, zaterdagavond openlucht feest gaande. Hierbij liep het Hotel Old Quarter toch echt uit de spuigaten. Met beide dubbele deuren open en […]

Most popular search terms in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see the search terms that lead to someone clicking through to this blog. (I have removed searches on people’s names).

They do know about the fietswrakken

I rang Grofvuil this afternoon to tell them about some wooden planks that I want to get rid of. I also remembered to tell them that the abandoned bikes are still in the alley. Apparently the bikes are in the system, and they are getting to us, but that there is some delay because they […]

Some changes to the blog

I have made a few minor changes to the blog. The rubbish photos are now more accessible. People do seem to be interested, and there was a lot of unnecessary clicking to see them. I have added a few more “Pages”, in other words, more permanent links; these are available in the sidebar on the […]

Most popular posts in the last 30 days

Click on the image to see which posts have had the most views in the last 30 days.