Forgot to mention this earlier, but the gemeente will pick up any dead Christmas trees this week and next week. They can be put out on the normal garbage days, but please keep them separate from the garbage mountain.
Okay, so it’s 1.46 am on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, and guess what?! I do not hear any overly-loud music. In fact I have not heard any excessive noise from Old Quarter (or anyone else for that matter) since Herman rang the HOT-lijn (020-421 4567) ten days ago. I was pretty skeptical at first, but […]
I have added a new feature to the blog: you can now get blog updates via email. Should save you having to check back to see if the blog has changed. You will receive at most one email per day, and then only if something new has been posted to the blog. You will not […]
Back at the end of October I sent out a letter announcing our blog to various official institutions: the Mayor of Amsterdam; the police station on the Beurstraat; the Gebiedsbeheerder, the Dagelijksbestuur, and the Straatmanager of the Stadsdeel Centrum Amsterdam; Stadsherstel Amsterdam; NV Stadsgoed; the local newspaper, d’Oude Binnenstad; Buurt Information Centrum, Zeedijk; and for […]
Okay, sorry, I’ve been a bit slack about writing. Here’s a quick update of stuff: The abandoned bikes were finally picked up about 2 weeks ago. I think it only took about 3 months to get rid of them. I’ve reported the graffiti that appeared on the wall of Aneke Rasa on the weekend. Apparently […]